Plugin: Checkout Profiler for WooCommerce

Last Updated on: 23rd July 2024, 02:40 pm

Checkout Profiler for WooCommerce

Wondering whether your WooCommerce checkout is slow?
This plugin will tell you.

This plugin measures the time it takes your checkout to process using hooks and Javascript event listeners.
All events are logged to files via the WooCommerce Logger Class.
View them via WooCommerce >> Status >> Logs.


  1. Upload `` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Navigate to the new main menu item to configure.
  4. Do a test purchase and go to WooCommerce >> Status >> Logs to see the results.

Frequently Asked Questions

= Does this slow down my website? =

This plugin uses hooks to measure the time it takes for your classic checkout to complete. For the WooCommerce Blocks Checkout, it uses a timer function paired with Javascript event listeners. From what I know this has close to zero impact on your website performance.

= Is there block support? =

Yes. The plugin supports the WooCommerce Blocks Checkout.
No. I will try and add this once I have time. Any input welcome.

= Is this like New Relic? =

Of course not. But it pursues a similar goal. New Relic and other APM tools use extensive server side agents to measure the performance of your website and generate reports for you to analyze and find bottlenecks. This plugin is a simple tool to measure the time it takes to process the checkout.

This plugin has been submitted to the plugin repository and is awaiting approval. I will update the download link accordingly once I have released the plugin there.


Please let me know any problems or suggestions you have in the comments.

Happy profiling!

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Con Schneider