Mini-Plugin: WooCommerce Auto Save All Products.

Last Updated on: 24th June 2020, 11:03 am

This is a mini plugin that autosaves all WooCommerce products whenever an admin page is loaded.

If you have the problem that your bulk edits are not applied unless you go and edit the product directly and save it again, then this plugin might help.

Warning: This plugin may consume a lot of resources if you have a lot of products. Only keep activated when needed, for example when importing or doing bulk editing. There are no settings.


Download WooCommerce Auto Save Products

Tested with:
WordPress 5.3.2
WooCommerce 3.9.2

This plugin has been downloaded 1,088 times.

4 responses

  1. Hello,

    After I tried the plug in. it doenst do anything. And after some troubleshooting I founded the bug.

    You tried ‘post_type’ => ‘products’ but is ‘post_type’ => ‘product’ without the s at the end.


    1. Con Schneider Avatar
      Con Schneider

      Hi mate,

      Whoops :). Thank you. Typo corrected and new version uploaded.

  2. ¿Por qué este plugin no está en la lista oficial de WordPress?

    Why is this plugin not on the official WordPress list?

    1. Con Schneider Avatar
      Con Schneider

      Hi Mag,

      > Why is this plugin not on the official WordPress list?

      Do you mean the WordPress plugin repository?
      I don’t want to invest the extra work of submitting and testing the code currently. For now I’ll keep it available here where I can also provide some support.


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Con Schneider